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Recruitment of teleoperators


Contact annonceur

alain tchuisseu
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Statistiques de l'annonce

Nombre de vues : 164
Référence : 96317

Détail de l'annonce

The call center INCC recruits young English-speaking Cameroonians for its services for full-time and daytime work.

Conditions to be fulfilled to apply:

- Be available;

- Have a minimum level of education Baccalaureate any series combined;

- Have a good command of IT tools,

- Have a good command of the French or English language and very good elocution;

- Having experience in the field of the call center on a B to B campaign would be an asset ...

Files consisting of: A handwritten request addressed to the DC of INC, a very detailed CV, a letter of motivation, a photocopy of the CNI and the highest diploma, a location map and a half photo 4 * 4 card, are expected only at this address:

We are located in the city of Yaoundé in the Happy district in front of the danielle residence For more information, call 696 97 23 64 or 655 66 66 79 (Calls, SMS and whatsapp also except weekends)

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